Since there will be space flying and ship customization,
will the game include procedural Space Hauling missions?
Like Space Truck Simulator. Where player can take on different
legal or more questionable cargo to move from one planet
in star system to another for profit.
It might not sound too exciting until you remember this
is how the Alien movie started...

I really like this concept art
In case of gameplay it would be a good way for player to recouperate
the cost of the spaceship and incentive to explore in depth the ship
customizaton as well as travel to different parts of the gameworld.
I know it's still quite early into development and a lot can change,
this is just my idea of what I would like to roleplay in a game like this.
The game will feature the opportunity to do cargo runs along with vendor trading. It is to be determined if there will be an 'auto-generated contract system' - Otherwise it is up to you to locate buyers and locations for specific products and trade.
You will have the opportunity to:
Build your ship.
Craft and place components in your ship to make it function
Store Cargo onboard
Trade cargo with different vendors.
Space exploration is being treated as a 'Voyage'. Space travel will take time and will feel like an adventure to get from one location to another. There is no simple fast travel or on board warp drives to your destination. During a space journey, the starship's systems may fail, you may encounter asteroid belts, or other space anomolies that are hazordous to your trip. Or you may run out of rations, fuel or supplies that you or your crew need to survive the journey. Before traveling into the cosmos it is cruicial that you prepare and have a checklist before departure.
With all that said. A simple cargo mission becomes a whole experience and journey that makes you feel accomplished upon success!